In the course of his campaign against the Persians, Alexander the Great advanced from Ankyra towards Cappadocia and, after conquering the territory south of the Halys (Kizilirmak), he appointed a Persian by the name of Sabiktas satrap of Cappadocia. After the death of Ariarathes, Cappadocia was ruled for some twenty years by Macedonian satraps. When, soon after this, Antigonus was defeated in the battle of Ipsus (301 BC), his territories in Asia Minor became subject to Lysimachus, but in a battle fought at Curupedion ( 281 BC ) the 80 year old Lysimachus was defeated by the 77 year old Seleucus Nicator, thus ending the Macedonnian rule in Cappadocia and establishing the Seleucid rule.